Scholarly Resources

Publications 2354
Patents 7
Closed Access
Gold OA
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Green OA
  • Journal Articles1333
  • Conference / In Proceedings658
  • Books / Chapters154
  • Other209

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Top ten Profiles

Dr Satyabrata Mohapatra Associate Professor
Dr Prakash Chand Sharma Professor
Prof Gagan Deep Sharma Professor
Dr Amarjeet Kaur Professor
Dr Shipra Mital Gupta Associate Professor
Prof Ranjith Kumar CT Professor
Dr Anshu Gupta Associate Professor
Dr Yogesh Singh Professor
Dr Rahul Johari Associate Professor
Prof Nandula Raghuram Professor
Dr Rahul Johari Associate Professor
Dr Satyabrata Mohapatra Associate Professor
Dr Raj Kumar Mittal Professor
Dr Prakash Chand Sharma Professor
Prof Virendra P Vishwakarma Professor
Dr Amit Prakash Singh Professor
Dr Navin Rajpal Professor
Prof Pravin Chandra Professor


Flexible room temperature ammonia sensor based on ...

Author: Lalit Kumar ., Ishpal Rawal ., Amarjeet Kaur ., S. Annapoorni .,

Genetic dissection of drought and heat tolerance i...

Author: Thudi M.;Upadhyaya H.D.;Rathore A.;Gaur P.M.;Krishnamurthy L.;Roorkiwal M.;Nayak S.N.;Chaturvedi S.K.;Basu P.S.;Gangarao N.V.P.R.;Fikre A.;Kimurto P.;Sharma P.C.;Sheshashayee M.S.;Tobita S.;Kashiwagi J.;Ito O.;Killian A.;Varshney R.K.

Phospholipid fatty acid - A bioindicator of enviro...

Author: Kaur A.;Chaudhary A.;Kaur A.;Choudhary R.;Kaushik R.

Enhanced photocatalytic activity of Co doped ZnO n...

Author: Kuriakose S.;Satpati B.;Mohapatra S.

Combining QTL mapping and transcriptome profiling ...

Author: Pandit A.;Rai V.;Bal S.;Sinha S.;Kumar V.;Chauhan M.;Gautam R.K.;Singh R.;Sharma P.C.;Singh A.K.;Gaikwad K.;Sharma T.R.;Mohapatra T.;Singh N.K.

Preparation and evaluation of stable nanofluids fo...

Author: S.K. Sharma ., Shipra Mital Gupta .,